In the centre of Lion City runs a broad tree-lined road, and at the far end of this road is a cottage where Aunty Ong lived.

GO On a jOuRnEY

Aunty Ong loves her rickety old scooter. It has been with her for so long that it’s almost as old as her.


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Aunty Ong

With a smile on her face and a bag at her waist, Aunty Ong is a very special lady. If she's not tending to her roses in her garden or watching birds perched on her fruit trees you'll find her zipping around on her green scooter!

Nai - Aunty Ong's Cat

Nai is Aunty Ong's constant companion. She follows Aunty Ong all the time and sometimes has a brawl with her irritating neighbour.

Who is this neighbour ? Why does he irritate Nai so much?

Nai - Aunty Ong's Cat

Nai is Aunty Ong's constant companion. She follows Aunty Ong all the time and sometimes has a brawl with her irritating neighbour.

Who is this neighbour ? Why does he irritate Nai so much?

Something terrible has happened in Aunty Ong's town. Why is everyone carrying umbrellas when there is no rain?

Wonder why Aunty Ong's scooter is being towed away?

Wonder why Aunty Ong's scooter is being towed away?

A simple solution finally solves Aunty Ong's big problem.
Do you want to know how?

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SuNita LaD BhAmrAY

Meet the Author

Sunita Lad Bhamray lives in Singapore and she has derived inspiration for this book from it.

She has written 5 books and her children’s books are Grandma Lim’s Persimmons and Saru and her Little Secret.

SuNita LaD BhAmrAY

Meet the Author

Sunita Lad Bhamray lives in Singapore and she has derived inspiration for this book from it.

She has written 5 books and her children’s books are Grandma Lim’s Persimmons and Saru and her Little Secret.

Get the book on Amazon and Flipkart.

Get the book on Amazon and Flipkart.

© 2019 Sunita Lad Bhamray